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Jared Hoover:

Opening the door when opportunity knocks

“Having worked in oil and gas, software, and startups, I really understand the landscape of OT and data — I have that technical background. I’ve been in those roles. I’ve been an engineer, I’ve used the data.”

Carpe diem, take the path less traveled, when one door closes, another opens. Messages about seizing and making the most of each moment are everywhere. But for Jared Hoover, US Director of Business Development with True North Solutions, sentiments like these are much more than platitudes. Having led a career that has taken him to the most remote corners of engineering, Jared credits where is he today with his ability to embrace opportunity with open arms.

But there’s a bit more to leading a truly fulfilling career, according to Jared — opportunities also need to feel right. They need to leverage your strengths and provide stories that entertain your grandkids 20 years from now as they’re bouncing on your knee.

As a child growing up near Chicago, Illinois, Jared dreamed of being an Air Force pilot. He pursued that dream into adulthood, earning an aerospace engineering degree at a top-tier school and joining the US military. Unfortunately, Jared’s eyesight didn’t meet stringent Air Force qualifications. He pivoted and embarked on a career that involved leading teams (small and large) in security operations in remote corners of the world. Jared is grateful for the opportunities he had while in the military, like traveling the world, working on diverse assignments, and even shaping young minds as an associate professor.

During his time in the military, Jared was offered an opportunity to teach leadership and management to US Air Force cadets at the University of Virginia. He was also tasked with building a new curriculum in advanced manufacturing and then teaching the course as an affiliate professor. He called that role a “side passion”.

“The collegiate environment, teaching and mentoring 18, 19, 20-year-olds…I just loved being in the classroom and in front of students,” Jared says. “It’s a different kind of selling. You’re selling the students on themselves.”

As that opportunity ran its course, Jared’s career took a surprising turn — the energy sector. Shell approached him for an offshore engineering role, and the idea of flying to platforms and living in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico sounded like his next big adventure.

“It was a tough lifestyle, but I couldn't have traded a better experience for an introduction to the oil and gas and the energy sector,” says Jared.

After a few years, he returned to land and worked in engineering and project management roles on nearly every major US onshore shale play with QEP Resources and BP. Jared then began supporting startup companies providing operational technology (OT), industrial Internet of things (IIoT), and software as a service (SaaS) solutions.

“That cemented a transition that I’d been making from typical petroleum engineering into a more data-centric world, learning the ins and outs of software and hardware development and how it all fits into the OT landscape,” Jared says.

Through his work with startups, Jared met Rick Dmytryshyn, President of US Operations at True North Solutions. It didn’t take long for Rick to see Jared’s skills and talent. He invited him to join the True North Solutions team in Denver, and Jared didn’t let the opportunity pass him by.

Today, Jared is the Director of Business Development for True North’s US operations. He is now responsible for growing revenue in the US, engaging with clients, and bringing in new business. And being so open is one of the things that makes him successful in the role.

“My job is to go in, ask a lot of questions, learn what the problems are, and earn people’s trust,” says Jared. “You never know what’s going to happen, so I’m always willing to have a conversation with anybody and see where it goes.”

Jared takes a unique and powerful client-centric approach to his work. He sees himself as a systems integrator but also a relationship-builder, a consultant, and a gap-filler. First and foremost, he prioritizes earning the trust of clients and leveraging his technical experience to help meet their needs.

“I have that technical background. So for me, it's important to provide consultative value to [clients], whether they end up buying from us or not. I believe in order to get those opportunities, you have to be open and provide value up front.”

Jared’s depth of experience in technical engineering, project management, and client operations helps him provide exceptional value to True North Solutions’ clients. He’s fueled by his desire to develop the business, and with his experience and openness for change and challenge, there’s no doubt he’ll one day tell his grandkids about the adventure!
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