True Talk
Team profile

Jeff Dell:

A relationship that’s stood the test of time

In a dynamic job market, where the average worker changes jobs eight times by age 34, choosing a company in your mid-20s and sticking with them for the next 30+ years is truly rare. For Jeff Dell, Vice President of Operations, IES Field Services, longevity comes easy.

When he was just 17 and fresh out of high school, Jeff was pushed to make a future for himself. “My father looked at me and said, 'What are you doing with your life, son? Go be an electrician,'” says Jeff. “That’s how my career started 32 years ago.”

After becoming a Red Seal Journeyman Electrician, Jeff went on to develop his skills in instrumentation, automation, and project management in the oil & gas industry. In 2000, Jeff joined a company known at the time as Ber-Mac Electrical and Instrumentation Ltd. Because of his determination and ever-developing skillset, Jeff was serving in a management position in just a couple of years.

Jeff stayed with Ber-Mac through many transitions, like when it was acquired by ABB Inc. in 2008. He had already built many relationships within the company and was ready to build more. After the acquisition, Jeff became responsible for the Field Services business delivering electrical, instrumentation, and field automation services. During Jeff’s time at Ber-Mac, he met and worked alongside Tony Manning, who is another True North team member today.

When Tony left ABB Inc. in 2018, he set his sights on True North Solutions; Jeff and Tony made sure to keep their connection strong and stayed in contact on a regular basis. “When Covid hit in 2020, there was a silver lining when ABB decided to exit the Instrumentation and Electrical Field Service business,” says Jeff. “At that time, I was provided the opportunity to reach out to the market.”

Jeff took that opportunity, contacted Tony, and worked to transition the ABB field services business over to True North Solutions. They launched the business under the True North Instrument and Electrical Services name in July 2020.

Jeff says he felt comfortable with the move to True North Solutions from the start, as they are an industry leader known for their strong core values. “True North is a very well-respected company in the industry, and I knew it would be a good place for me and my colleagues to land. It has most certainly been an exciting few years.”

Every day Jeff is thankful for that conversation with his father when he was just 17 years old. “I never would have thought that it would have ended up where I am today,” he says. “My father was a tradesman, and he guided me. Whether it was the right or wrong decision for me at the time, I look back at the last 32 years and say it was the right one for me.”

Jeff isn’t the only one who has stood the test of time in the industry — he has a long history with the members of the team, and their relationships play an instrumental role in providing seamless support to True North’s customers. “The field services business is relationship-based. Good people want to be surrounded by good people, and that goes for everyone — from colleagues to customers.”

Jeff says his career’s success all comes back to attention to detail, respect, and listening to customer requirements. He appreciates the “consistent focus and investment” True North applies to its employees. “I’ve had a great career, and I’m still passionate about the business and my role, and I look forward to many more years to come.”

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