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Rick Dmytryshyn:

Growing strong roots

“This is very much a word-of-mouth industry. And once you establish that professionalism and that trust, it drives everything.”

A Colorado Aspen tree is just one part of a much larger grove. A grove of Aspen trees operates as a singular organism with the shared heartbeat of the interconnected root system. That’s how Rick Dmytryshyn, President of US Operations, feels about True North Solutions Denver, “It's a part of something living and breathing, something much bigger than any one tree.”

When Rick decided to plant roots in Colorado, he didn’t realize how deep and interconnected they would grow. Rick grew up in the Village of Glaslyn in Northern Saskatchewan, Canada, one of 350 people in a working community. There he cultivated a work ethic and strong value system that serves as his True North, guides his purpose, and, ultimately, guides his career path.

After graduating in 1996 from the University of Saskatchewan with a BSEE, he approached a well-respected international systems integrator and, before he knew it, he was Colorado-bound. Rick expressed, “I was fortunate that the US President of the systems integrator who hired me was a long-time Canadian Junior hockey fan. His family took me in during the first few weeks until I got on my feet – similar to how (billet) families did when I was growing up and I played competitive hockey away from home at 15. It was a really soft landing for me and gave me a strong support system. I had no relatives, no friends here in the US, nothing but $5,000, my pickup, and my work ethic. Support was crucial,” says Rick.

Little did Rick know, the adventure was just beginning. What started as a one-year Colorado residency assignment, turned into 26+ years in Colorado and Rick eventually became an American Citizen. Rick was with that organization until its ultimate sale in 2009, and then worked for a couple of client companies until 2017.

Real sustainable growth takes time and builds upon an integrated system. Years later, when one of Rick’s past company colleagues, Tim Lamoureux, picked up the phone to inquire how he was doing, it proved another key turning point. Tim was working with True North Solutions in Calgary, and True North Solutions was looking to permanently enter the US marketplace. The business approaches and personal values aligned perfectly, as did the timing.

“We launched in early 2017. From there, word of mouth travelled quickly,” Rick says. “When people found out we were doing this and trying to rekindle excitement, we had several past colleagues approach us for employment and numerous past client colleagues inquire about our support. And that's how it kicked off.”

Rick and True North's Denver location have grown strong roots over the last five years. Numerous multi-year projects, including a large refinery rebuild in the Northwest, a multi-state pipeline-wide automation upgrade, and a SCADA Host solution support project for one of the largest utilities in North America, are among the highlights. Rick and his team have cultivated a positive name for True North Solutions with clients and industries. “This is very much a word-of-mouth industry. And once you establish that professionalism and that trust, it drives everything,” says Rick.

The company's True Values also drive the teams forward, on both sides of the border. These values were conceived by the original company founders who, like Rick, grew up in small rural communities. Growing strong roots, whether an Aspen Grove, a company, or a community, all starts with the people and the purpose. That is what makes True North Solutions an amazing company.

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